10 Things You Need to Know About Premonitions
by Larry Dossey, MD
(July 2009)
101 Exercises for the Soul
by Dr. Bernie Siegel
(February 2010)
A New Beginning for Mankind
by David Weisner
(October 2008)
A Year of Living "Great"-fully: 50 Ways to Say Thank You
by Nina Lesowitz
(October 2009)
Adapted from "Yoga and Parkinson’s Disease: A Journey to Health and Healing"
by Peggy van Hulsteyn and Barbara Gage
(October 2013)
An Excerpt from "Everyday Meditation"
by Tobin Blake
(March 2012)
An Excerpt from "Gateway to the Soul: Inner Work for the Outer World"
by Dr. Serge Obolensky Beddington-Behrens, MA
(July 2020)
An excerpt from "Life Purpose Boot Camp"
by Eric Maisel, PhD
(November 2014)
An Excerpt From "The Awakening, Creating A New Way Of Being"
by Sage Walker
(July 2020)
An Excerpt From "The Cosmic Internet "
by Frank DeMarco
(August 2011)
An Excerpt From "The Practicing Mind"
by Thomas Sterner
(May 2012)
An Excerpt From "This Is The Moment!"
by Walter Green
(September 2010)
An Excerpt From "Train Your Brain To Get Happy"
by Dr. Teresa Aubele & Susan Reynolds
(August 2011)
An Excerpt From The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to Discovering Your Past Lives, Second Edition
by Michael R. Hathaway, D.C.H.
(August 2011)
Angel Animals: Ferrets Are Made of God
by Allen & Linda Anderson
(July 2009)
Ask Mother Nature: A Conscious Gardener's Guide
by Ellen Vande Visse
(March 2009)
Awakening the Divine Soul - Finding Your Life Purpose
by Rosanna Ienco
(February 2009)
Based on "Surrealistic Trials: Surviving My Life After Death"
by Hilary Jamron
(August 2014)
Be Happy
by Robert Holden
(April 2009)
Being Good Enough
by Barbara Rose, PhD
(July 2009)
Birth: When the Spiritual and the Material Come Together
by Shari Arison
(January 2010)
Birth: Where the Spiritual and the Material Come Together
by Shari Arison
(December 2009)
Brace For Impact: Miracle on the Hudson
by Dorothy Firman & Kevin Quirk
(February 2010)
Candida Albicans
by Leon Chaitow N.D., D.O.
(October 2016)
Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a Heart of Gold
by Krishna Das
(February 2010)
Choice to Awaken - Excerpt from "Messages of Universal Wisdom"
by Barbara Evans
(December 2009)
Choose ME Before WE
by Christine Arylo
(March 2009)
Choosing to Be: Lessons in Living from a Feline Zen Master
by Kat Tansey
(January 2011)
Choosing to Be: Lessons in Living from a Feline Zen Master
by Kat Tansey
(February 2011)
Choosing to Be: Lessons in Living from a Feline Zen Master. Lesson Four: Finding Joy
by Kat Tansey
(December 2010)
Completing Evolution: Interactions Between Student, Teacher & Path
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2009)
Defenders of the Heart
by Marilyn Kagan, LCSW & Neil Einbund, PhD
(February 2009)
Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of reason
by Caroline Myss
(October 2009)
Do You Have A Highly Intuitive Child?
by Catherine Crawford
(February 2009)
Dreaming in the White House
by Robert Moss
(February 2009)
Dry Vagina - Excerpt from "New Menopausal Years, the Wise Women Way"
by Susun S. Weed
(November 2009)
Einstein's God
by Krista Tippett
(February 2010)
Entering the Divine World of Spirit
by Sonia Choquette
(May 2006)
Excerpt From " I Believe: When What You Believe Matters!"
by Eldon Taylor
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "2012: A Clarion Call"
by Nicolya Christi
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "2012: The Year of the Changes"
by Fabio R. Araujo
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "7 Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife"
by Jean Jacques Charbonier, M.D.
(March 2015)
Excerpt from "77 Questions For Skillful Living: A New Path to Extraordinary Health"
by Michael Finkelstein, M.D.
(August 2013)
Excerpt from "8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back"
by Esther Gokhale
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "90 Days to Life"
by Ruble Chandy
(June 2019)
Excerpt from "911 From Your Soul"
by Jeanine Thompson
(September 2022)
Excerpt from "A Force of Light"
by Marina Petro
(November 2021)
Excerpt from "A Guide to Zen"
by Katsuki Sekida
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "A Guru in the Nursery: 50 Ways to Remember Your Spirit While Changing Diapers"
by Dawn M. Staszak
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "A Guru in the Office: 50 Ways to Remember your Spirit in a Corporate World"
by Dawn M. Staszak
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "A Healer of Souls"
by Dawn Paul
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "A is for Aronia: A Guide to Black Chokeberry Edibles and Sundries"
by Cheryl Saker
(October 2011)
Excerpt From "A Journey to Oneness"
by Rasha
(May 2015)
Excerpt from "A Journey to Oneness"
by Rasha
(July 2015)
Excerpt from "A Journey Within"
by LouAnne Ludwig
(September 2018)
Excerpt from "A Mosaic Heart: Reshaping the Shards of a Shattered Life"
by Terry Jones-Brady
(August 2015)
Excerpt from "A Shaman's Miraculous Tools for Healing"
by Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., with Anne O'Neill
(November 2015)
Excerpt from "A Traveler's Guide to the Afterlife"
by Mark Mirabello, Ph.D
(September 2016)
Excerpt from "A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming"
by Lee Adams
(May 2021)
Excerpt from "A Writer's Book of Days"
by Judy Reeves
(November 2007)
Excerpt from "Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening"
by Robbie Holz
(June 2015)
Excerpt from "Above and Beyond: The Incredible True Story of Extraterrestrial Contact"
by Lisette Larkins
(March 2015)
Excerpt from "AcousticEpiphany: A SongBlog"
by Bob Sima
(January 2015)
Excerpt from "Activate Your Cosmic DNA"
by Eva Marquez
(June 2022)
Excerpt from "Activating Your 5D Frequency"
by Judith Corvin-Blackburn, LCSW, DMin
(May 2020)
Excerpt from "Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism"
by Donald R. Yance Jr., CN, MH, RH
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Advanced Hatha Yoga: Classic Methods of Physical Education and Concentration"
by Shyam Sundar Goswami
(September 2012)
Excerpt from "Advanced Shamanism The Practice of Conscious Transformation"
by James Endredy
(February 2018)
Excerpt from "Advanced Spiritual Intimacy"
by Stuart Sovatsky, Ph.D.
(August 2014)
Excerpt from "Advanced Spiritual Intimacy"
by Stuart Sovatsky, Ph.D.
(June 2014)
Excerpt from "Adventures of the Soul: Journeys Through the Physical and Spiritual Dimensions"
by James Van Praagh
(September 2014)
Excerpt from "Affirmations of the Light in Times of Darkness"
by Laura Aversano
(June 2021)
Excerpt from "Afro-Brazilian Numerology"
by Diego de Oxossi
(September 2022)
Excerpt from "Afterlife Conversations with Hemingway"
by Frank DeMarco
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "Aging As A Spiritual Practice"
by Lewis Richmond
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "All is Well: Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition"
by Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz and Louise L. Hay
(January 2013)
Excerpt from "America: Nation of the Goddess"
by Alan Butler and Janet Wolter
(December 2015)
Excerpt from "An Energy Healer's Book of Dying"
by Suzanne Worthley
(March 2020)
Excerpt from "Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing "
by Daniel Foor, PhD,
(July 2017)
Excerpt from "Ancient Giants Who Ruled America"
by Richard J. Dewhurst
(January 2014)
Excerpt from "Ancient Wisdom"
by Elizabeth Rainbow Dancer
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "Angels Watching Over Me"
by Kiros
(March 2016)
Excerpt from "Animal Medicine"
by Erika Buenaflor, M.A., J.D.
(July 2021)
Excerpt from "Animal Messengers"
by Regula Meyer
(June 2015)
Excerpt from "Animal Soul Contracts"
by Tammy Billups
(April 2020)
Excerpt from "Animal Wayshowers"
by Tammy Billups
(November 2022)
Excerpt from "Answers About the Afterlife"
by Bob Olson
(August 2014)
Excerpt from "Anything Can Be Healed"
by Martin Brofman
(July 2019)
Excerpt from "Apocalypse Not"
by John Michael Greer
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "Apron Strings"
by Mary Morony
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life"
by Barbara Berger
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "Assertiveness for Earth Angels: How to be Loving Instead of 'Too Nice'"
by Doreen Virtue
(January 2014)
Excerpt from "Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini"
by Barbara Hand Clow
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "Astrology in Ancient Mesopotamia"
by Michael Baigent
(August 2015)
Excerpt from "At Zero: The Quest for Miracles Through Ho'oponopono"
by Joe Vitale
(March 2014)
Excerpt from "Atlantis & Lemuria: The Lost Continents Revealed!"
by Tom T. Moore
(October 2015)
Excerpt from "Awakening Somatic Intelligence: The Art and Practice of Embodied Mindfulness"
by Risa Kaparo, PhD,
(July 2012)
Excerpt from "Awakening the Ancient Power of Snake"
by Dawn Baumann Brunke
(February 2020)
Excerpt from "Awakening the Chakras: The Seven Energy Chakras in Your Daily Life"
by Victor Daniels, Kooch N. Daniels, and Pieter Weltevrede
(April 2017)
Excerpt from "Awakening to the Fifth Dimension"
by Kimberly Meredith
(September 2021)
Excerpt from "Bach Flower Essences and Chinese Medicine"
by Pablo Noriega
(July 2016)
Excerpt from "Back to Walden"
by Charles Creekmore
(October 2011)
Excerpt From "Back to Walden"
by Charles Creekmore
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "Back To Walden"
by Charles Creekmore
(August 2011)
Excerpt From "Be A Genie"
by Maureen St. Germain
(May 2015)
Excerpt from "Be A Genie"
by Maureen St. Germain
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "Beautiful and Abundant"
by Bryan Welch
(June 2011)
Excerpt from "Becoming Aware: How to Repattern Your Brain and Revitalize Your Life"
by Lisa Garr
(June 2015)
Excerpt from "Becoming the Light: Realize Your True Enlightened Nature"
by Vivianne Nantel (Devi)
(September 2018)
Excerpt from "Before I Go: The Essential Guide to Creating a Good End of Life Plan"
by Jane Duncan
(August 2018)
Excerpt from "Being Present"
by Darren Cockburn
(May 2018)
Excerpt from "Believe in Forever: How to Recognize Signs from Departed Loved Ones"
by Mary Catherine Volk
(September 2016)
Excerpt from "Beowulf’s Ecstatic Trance Magic"
by Nicholas E. Brink, Ph.D.
(February 2016)
Excerpt from "Beyond Angels"
by Gaile Walker
(April 2013)
Excerpt from "Beyond Happiness"
by Ezra Bayda
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "Beyond the Great Abyss"
by Becca Chambers, B.S., M. Ed.,
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "Beyond the Here and Now - Thriving in the Age of Change"
by Lucy O’Hagan
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "Beyond the River's Gate"
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2014)
Excerpt from "Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves"
by Amy Ahlers
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "Bird Medicine"
by Evan T. Pritchard
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "Birth Matters: A Midwife's Manifesta"
by Ina May Gaskin
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "Bite This Book: The Book You Read To Your Dog""
by Lony Ruhmann
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Black Smoke"
by Margaret De Wys
(May 2014)
Excerpt from "Blessed: Living A Grateful Life"
by Ellen Michaud
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "Blissfully Dead"
by Melita Harvey
(March 2016)
Excerpt from "Body of Wisdom"
by Hilary Hart
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "Bouncing Back"
by Linda Graham
(August 2013)
Excerpt from "Boundaries in an Overconnected World"
by Anne Katherine
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "Brace For Impact"
by Dorothy Firman & Kevin Quirk
(March 2010)
Excerpt from "Breaking Free From Critical Addiction"
by Kalie Marino
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself "
by Dr. Joe Dispenza
(February 2012)
Excerpt from "Breathing As Spiritual Practice"
by Will Johnson
(October 2019)
Excerpt from "Breathing Through the Whole Body"
by Will Johnson
(March 2012)
Excerpt from "brooklynwind"
by James Poulos
(May 2017)
Excerpt From "By Morning's Light"
by Ginny Brock
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Call Of The Forbidden Way"
by Robert Owings
(November 2016)
Excerpt from "Cancer & Miracles"
by Sara Wiseman
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "Candida Albicans: Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection"
by Leon Chaitow, DO, ND
(November 2016)
Excerpt from "Cannabis in Spiritual Practice"
by Will Johnson
(August 2018)
Excerpt from "Cellular Awakening: How Your Body Holds and Creates Light"
by Barbara Wren
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color..."
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "Chakra Empowerment for Women"
by Lisa Erickson
(January 2020)
Excerpt from "Chakra Healing Therapy: Awaken Spiritual Energies & Heal Emotional Wounds"
by Glen Park
(October 2020)
Excerpt from "Change Your Conversation, Change Your Life"
by Malinda Dowsett and Lani Barna
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "Change Your life in 7 Days"
by Paul McKenna, PhD,
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "Change Your Story of Your Health: Using Shamanic and Jungian Techniques for Healing"
by Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD
(March 2017)
Excerpt from "Change Your Story of Your Health: Using Shamanic and Jungian Techniques for Healing"
by Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD
(April 2017)
Excerpt from "Chi Kung for Prostate Health and Sexual Vigor"
by Mantak Chia and William U. Wei
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "Children of the Fifth World"
by P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.,
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "Choosing To Be: Lessons from a Feline Zen Master" - Lesson One
by Kat Tansey
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "Choosing to Be: Lessons in Living From A Feline Zen Master"
by Kat Tansey
(November 2010)
Excerpt from "Choosing To Be: Lessons in Living from a Feline Zen Master" - Lesson Two
by Kat Tansey
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "Christian Mystics"
by Matthew Fox
(April 2011)
Excerpt from "Christos: A Metaphysical Thriller"
by Daniel Brako
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "Citizen King"
by Les Jensen
(August 2021)
Excerpt from "Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo"
by Erika Buenaflor, M.A., J.D.,
(July 2018)
Excerpt from "Co-Creating at Its Best: A Conversation Between Master Teachers"
by Dr. Wayne Dyer & Esther Hicks
(January 2015)
Excerpt from "Collecting Feathers"
by Daniela I. Norris
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "Colorstrology: What Your Birthday Color Says About You"
by Michele Bernhardt
(March 2014)
Excerpt from "Coming Full Circle - Ancient Teachings for a Modern World"
by Lynn Andrews
(July 2012)
Excerpt from "Conscious Musings – A Collection of Contemplations About Life and Potentiality"
by Alexis Brooks
(February 2013)
Excerpt from "Constant Craving: What Your Food Cravings Mean and How to Overcome Them"
by Doreen Virtue
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "Contagious Optimism"
by David Mezzapelle
(August 2013)
Excerpt from "Contemporary Spirituality for an Evolving World"
by Nicolya Christi
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Cosmic Nutrition: The Taoist Approach to Health and Longevity"
by Mantak Chia
(September 2012)
Excerpt from "Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream The World Into Being"
by Alberto Villoldo, PhD
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium"
by Isabeau Esby
(May 2014)
Excerpt from "Craniosacral Chi Kung"
by Joyce Thom and Mantak Chia
(February 2016)
Excerpt From "Creating Time: Using Creativity to Reinvent the Clock and Reclaim Your Life"
by Marney Makridakis
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Crystal Basics"
by Nicholas Pearson
(March 2020)
Excerpt from "Cultivating Your Microbiome"
by Bridgette Shea, L.Ac., MAcOM
(September 2020)
Excerpt from "Cycles of Integrity"
by Denise Mattoo
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Daily Love"
by Mastin Kipp
(August 2014)
Excerpt from "Dancing with Raven and Bear"
by Sonja Grace
(September 2018)
Excerpt from "Dark Fairies"
by Dr. Bob Curran
(August 2010)
Excerpt from "Dark Light Consciousness"
by Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D.
(August 2012)
Excerpt from "Dark Light Consciousness"
by Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D., ABPP,
(September 2012)
Excerpt from "Dark Light Consciousness"
by Edward Bruce Bynum
(July 2020)
Excerpt from "Daughter of the Dragon Tree"
by Susanne Aernecke
(December 2018)
Excerpt from "Death, the Last God: A Modern Book of The Dead"
by Anne Geraghty
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "Defense Against the Dark"
by Emily Carlin
(April 2011)
Excerpt from "Delta Medicine"
by Yann Rougier, M.D.
(July 2012)
Excerpt from "Dental Herbalism: Natural Therapies for the Mouth"
by Leslie Alexander, PhD and Linda Straub-Bruce, BS Ed
(July 2014)
Excerpt From "Develop Your Medical Intuition"
by Sherrie Dillard
(May 2015)
Excerpt from "Developing Supersensible Perception"
by Shelli Renée Joye, Ph.D.
(August 2019)
Excerpt from "Discover Your Crystal Family"
by Kathryn Hudson
(October 2021)
Excerpt from "Discovering Your Life Purpose: The Journey Within"
by Oreste “Rusty” D’Aversa, CPC
(July 2010)
Excerpt from "Divorceless Relationships"
by Gary Douglas
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "DMT and the Soul of Prophecy"
by Rick Strrassman, MD
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "Do Not Go Quietly"
by George and Sedena Cappannelli
(April 2013)
Excerpt from "Dreaming Heaven"
by Kelly Sullivan Walden
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Dreaming Techniques: Working with Night Dreams, Daydreams and Liminal Dreams"
by Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.
(November 2020)
Excerpt from "Dreaming the Soul Back Home"
by Robert Moss
(July 2012)
Excerpt from "Dreaming Wide Awake"
by David Jay Brown
(August 2016)
Excerpt from "Dreaming with Polar Bears"
by Dawn Baumann Brunke
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "Dreaming Yourself Awake"
by B. Alan Wallace
(September 2012)
Excerpt from "Dreams 1-2-3: Remember, Interpret, and Live Your Dreams"
by J.M. DeBord
(December 2013)
Excerpt from "Dreams of Dying"
by Shaman Elizabeth Herrera
(November 2013)
Excerpt From "Drunken Angel"
by Alan Kaufman
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Dummy: A Memoir"
by David Patten
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "Dummy: A Memoir"
by David Patten
(January 2013)
Excerpt from "Dying to be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing"
by Anita Moorjani
(March 2012)
Excerpt from "E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments - Prove Thoughts Create Reality"
by Pam Grout
(February 2013)
Excerpt from "Earth Acupuncture: Healing the Living Landscape"
by Gail Reichstein Rex, L.Ac.
(April 2016)
Excerpt from "Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators"
by Shaman Elizabeth Herrera
(July 2014)
Excerpt from "Earth Spirit Dreaming: Shamanic Ecotherapy Practices"
by Elizabeth E. Meacham, Ph.D.,
(February 2020)
Excerpt from "Ecstatic Healing"
by Margaret De Wys
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "Edgar Cayce and the Unfulfilled Destiny of Thomas Jefferson Reborn"
by Joanne DiMaggio, MA, CHt
(March 2021)
Excerpt from "Educating America: 101 Strategies for Adult Assistants in the K-8 Classroom"
by Paddy Eger
(October 2011)
Excerpt from "Effortless Living"
by Jason Gregory
(March 2018)
Excerpt from "Effortless Mind"
by Ajayan Borys
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "Elder Rage, or Take My Father… Please! How to Survive Caring for Aging Parents"
by Jacqueline Marcell
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts
by Doug Noll
(July 2011)
Excerpt from "Embrace, Release, Heal: An Empowering Guide to Talking About...Cancer"
by Leigh Fortson
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "Embracing Death: A New Look at Grief, Gratitude and God"
by Terri Daniel
(January 2011)
Excerpt from "Emotion and Healing in the Energy Body"
by Robert Henderson
(July 2015)
Excerpt from "Emotional Freedom"
by Judith Orloff, MD
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "Emotional Intuition for Peak Performance
by Jason Gregory
(June 2020)
Excerpt from "Encyclopedia of the Divine, Spiritual and Occult"
by Heather Eaton
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "Energy Healing with the Elements of Nature"
by Fay Johnstone
(October 2020)
Excerpt from "Energy Healing: A Path to Wholeness and Awakening"
by Brett Bevell
(September 2014)
Excerpt from "Energy Medicine for Animals: The Bioenergetics of Animal Healing"
by Diane Budd
(February 2019)
Excerpt from "Energy Medicine Technologies"
by Finley Eversole, PhD (editor)
(May 2013)
Excerpt from "Enlightened Dog Training"
by Jesse Sternberg
(November 2021)
Excerpt from "Enlightenment Ain’t What It Is Cracked Up To Be: A Journey of Discovery, Snow & Jazz"
by Robert K.C. Forman, Ph.D
(October 2011)
Excerpt from "Enough is Plenty"
by Anne Ryan
(November 2009)
Excerpt from "Entangled in Darkness: Seeking the Light"
by Deborah King
(January 2013)
Excerpt from "Essential Oils for the Whole Body"
by Heather Dawn Godfrey, PGCE, BSc,
(November 2019)
Excerpt from "Essential Oils in Spiritual Practice"
by Candice Covington
(November 2017)
Excerpt from "Every Day Love: The Delicate Art of Caring for Each Other"
by Judy Ford
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "Everything and a Happy Ending"
by Tia Shurina
(May 2016)
Excerpt from "Everything I Needed to Know I learned From My Six-Month-Old"
by Kuwana Haulsey
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "Everything You Wanted To Know About The Afterlife But Were Afraid To Ask"
by Hollister Rand
(June 2020)
Excerpt from "Everything You Wanted To Know AboutThe Afterlife"
by Hollister Rand
(July 2020)
Excerpt from "Evolutionary Enlightenment"
by Andrew Cohen
(February 2012)
Excerpt from "Evolutionary Enlightenment"
by Andrew Cohen
(March 2012)
Excerpt from "Expand This Moment"
by John Selby
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "Expectation Hangover"
by Christine Hassler
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness"
by Daniel Pinchbeck and Ken Jordan
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness"
by Daniel Pinchbeck & Ken Jordan, Editors
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness"
by Susan Dugan
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness"
by Susan Dugan
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "Eyes Wide Open: Buddhist Instructions on Merging Body and Vision"
by Will Johnson
(May 2016)
Excerpt from "Feng Shui For Life. Connecting The Dots"
by Gisela H. Stehr
(January 2015)
Excerpt from "Feng Shui Your Life"
by Jayme Barrett
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "Fight Diabetes with Vitamins and Antioxidants"
by Kedar N. Prasad, Ph.D.,
(April 2014)
Excerpt from "Finding Soul in Work and Life"
by Prafulla Raval and Vasant Raval
(June 2010)
Excerpt from "Finding Truth Finding Health: A Master Class for Healers and Lightworkers"
by Rita Marr CCHyp., MPNLP
(January 2022)
Excerpt from "Finding Your Other Half"
by Declan Kerr
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "First Contact: Conversations with an ET"
by Tom T. Moore
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "First Nations Crystal Healing"
by Luke Blue Eagle
(August 2021)
Excerpt from "Five Meditations On Death"
by François Cheng
(July 2016)
Excerpt From "Five Wishes"
by Gay Hendricks
(December 2010)
Excerpt from "For Seven Lifetimes"
by Vatsala & Ehud Sperling
(January 2011)
Excerpt from "Forgiving the Unforgivable: The Power of Holistic Living"
by Master Charles Cannon with Will Wilkinson
(February 2012)
Excerpt from "Foundations of Reiki Ryoho"
by Nicholas Pearson
(June 2018)
Excerpt From "From Plagues To Miracles"
by Robert Rosenthal, M.D
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "From the Rearview Mirror"
by Bill Milliken
(June 2012)
Excerpt from "Gaia Alchemy: The Reuniting of Science, Psyche and Soul"
by Stephan Harding, Ph.D.,
(February 2022)
Excerpt from "Game Plan: A Man’s Guide to Achieving Emotional Fitness"
by Alan Philip Lyme, LCSW, David J. Powell, PhD and Stephen R. Andrew, LCSW, LADC
(January 2013)
Excerpt from "Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions"
by Tony Burroughs
(September 2012)
Excerpt from "Gnostic Mysteries of Sex"
by Tobias Churton
(September 2015)
Excerpt from "God Within: The Day God’s Train Stopped "
by Patti Conklin
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "God Within: The Day God’s Train Stopped"
by Patti Conklin
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "Goddesses for Every Day"
by Julie Loar
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "Good Sugar, Bad Sugar"
by Christopher Vasey, N.D.
(January 2020)
Excerpt from "Grace, Under Pressure: A Girl with Asperger’s and Her Marathon Mom"
by Sophie Walker
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Grail Alchemy"
by Mara Freeman
(February 2014)
Excerpt from "Grant Writing Revealed: 25 Experts Share Their Art, Science & Secrets"
by Jana Jane Hexter
(April 2013)
Excerpt from "Grateful Table"
by Brenda Knight
(December 2013)
Excerpt from "Greatest Secret of All"
by Marc Allen
(January 2011)
Excerpt from "Hand Wash Cold"
by Karen Maezen Miller
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "Happily Even After: A Guide to Getting Through (and beyond) the Grief of Widowhood"
by Carole Brody Fleet
(June 2012)
Excerpt from "Happiness Is Life Itself"
by Hanni Salovaara
(January 2019)
Excerpt from "Heal Your Gut With Bone Broth"
by Robin Westen
(January 2016)
Excerpt from "Healing Body Meditations"
by Mike Annesley
(May 2019)
Excerpt From "Healing from Heaven: A Healer’s Guide to the Universe"
by Daniel Ryan, D.C.
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Healing the Thyroid with Ayurveda"
by Marianne Teitelbaum, D.C.
(March 2019)
Excerpt from "Healthy Posture for Babies and Children"
by Kathleen Porter
(July 2017)
Excerpt from "Heartlines and the Web"
by Stuart Deeks
(February 2013)
Excerpt from "Herbs for Healthy Aging"
by David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG
(March 2014)
Excerpt from "Hey Waiter.... There's God in My Soup!"
by Simcha (Sam) Krause
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "Hieroglyphic Words of Power: Symbols for Magic, Divination, and Dreamwork"
by Normandi Ellis
(May 2020)
Excerpt from "High-Altitude Woman"
by Jan Reynolds
(August 2013)
Excerpt from "Hindu Astrology"
by Dr. A.P. Stone
(November 2024)
Excerpt from "Holistic Beauty from the Inside Out"
by Julie Gabriel
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "Holistic Keto for Gut Health"
by Kristin Grayce McGary, L.Ac., M.Ac., CFMP, CSTcert, CLP
(January 2020)
Excerpt from "Holistic Medicine and the Extracellular Matrix"
by Matthew Wood
(October 2021)
Excerpt from "Holistic Pain Relief"
by Dr. Heather Tick
(December 2013)
Excerpt From "Home To The Light"
by Rev. Ellen Douglas
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Homeopathy for Today’s World "
by Dr. Rajan Sankaran
(August 2011)
Excerpt from "How Do You Pray?"
by Celeste Yacoboni
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "How to Create Sacred Water"
by Kathryn W. Ravenwood
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "How To Eat An Elephant: Simple Solutions for Lifelong Energy and Vitality"
by Dr Brett Hill
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "I AM: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are"
by Howard Falco
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "I Can See Clearly Now"
by Dr. Wayne Dyer
(March 2014)
Excerpt from "I've Decided to Live 120 Years"
by Ilchi Lee
(November 2017)
Excerpt from "If Darwin Prayed: Prayers for Evolutionary Mystics"
by Bruce Sanguin
(September 2011)
Excerpt From "Ignite the Genius Within: Discover Your Full Potential"
by Dr. Christine Ranck and Christopher Lee Nutter
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Imagining the World Into Existence"
by Normandi Ellis
(August 2012)
Excerpt from "Imperfect Spirituality: Extraordinary Enlightenment for Ordinary People"
by Polly Campbell
(September 2012)
Excerpt from "In the Company of Sages"
by Greg Bogart
(February 2015)
Excerpt from "In Their Image and Likeness: Universal Wisdom"
by Linda Hourihan, HHCP
(February 2024)
Excerpt from "In Unexpected Places: death and dying – building up a picture"
by Ray Brown
(June 2011)
Excerpt from "Inner Alchemy Astrology"
by Mantak Chia & Christine Harkness-Giles
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright"
by Anne Archer Butcher
(September 2014)
Excerpt from "Inside Out Healing"
by Richard Moss, MD
(June 2011)
Excerpt from "Inspiration Deficit Disorder"
by Jonathan Ellerby, PhD
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "Inspiration for a Lifetime: Words of Wisdom, Delight, and Possibility"
by Allen Klein
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "Inspirational Deficit Disorder"
by Jonathan Ellerby
(August 2010)
Excerpt from "Integrative Healing - Merging with Modern Medicine"
by Lorinda Weatherall
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "Integrative Massage For the Inner Journey"
by Luis F. Nunez
(September 2012)
Excerpt from "Into the Mystic: The Visionary and Ecstatic Roots of 1960s Rock and Roll"
by Christopher Hill
(September 2017)
Excerpt from "Into the White Light: The Revelations of Archangel Michael"
by Kelly A. Hampton
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "Into Your Dreams: Decipher Your Unique Dream Symbology to Transform Your Waking Life"
by Janece O. Hudson, EdD
(August 2011)
Excerpt from "Intuition At Your Command"
by Lisa K. PhD
(September 2017)
Excerpt from "Invisible Souvenirs"
by Lorrie Seide
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "Invoking Animal Magic: A Guide for the Pagan Priestess"
by Hearth Moon Rising
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "It's About You! Know Your Self"
by Chris W. E. Johnson
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "Jesusgate: A History of Concealment Unraveled"
by Ernie Bringas
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "Jin Shin for Cats and Dogs"
by Tina Stumpfig
(July 2022)
Excerpt from "John E. Fetzer and the Quest for the New Age"
by Brian C. Wilson, PhD
(July 2018)
Excerpt from "Journey Through Fear"
by Antoinette Lee Howard
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life"
by Diana Muenzchen and David Schwerin
(November 2019)
Excerpt from "Know Yourself, Forget Yourself"
by Mark Lesser
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "Learning to Laugh When You Feel Like Crying: Embracing Life After Loss"
by Allen Klein, CSP
(June 2011)
Excerpt from "Lemons and Lavender: The Eco Guide to Better Homekeeping"
by Billee Sharp
(June 2012)
Excerpt from "Lessons from the 12 Archangels"
by Belinda J. Womack
(November 2015)
Excerpt from "Letters Across Time: A Journey of Enlightenment"
by Stephen Chong M.Ed.
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "Life in Life"
by Dr. Laurie Ann Levin
(November 2015)
Excerpt From "Life Matters: Stories of Transition, Healing, and Hope"
by Abigail Brenner
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "LifeWorks: Using Myth & Archetype to Develop Your Life Story"
by Jane Bailey Bain
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "Light on the Mountain"
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2017)
Excerpt from "Liquid Luck"
by Dr. Joe Gallenberger
(July 2015)
Excerpt from "Live Young, Think Young, Be Young…At Any Age"
by Donald M. Vickery, M.D., Larry Matson, Ed.D., Carol Vickery, R.N., M.S.N.
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "Live, Laugh, Love"
by Peggy Richey
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "Liver Detox"
by Christopher Vasey, N.D.
(March 2018)
Excerpt from "Living in the Flow: Practicing Vibrational Alignment"
by Ruth Cherry, PhD
(November 2015)
Excerpt From "Living in the Light – 25th Anniversary Edition "
by Shakti Gawain
(January 2012)
Excerpt from "Living Souls in the Spirit Dimension"
by Chris H. Hardy, PhD
(June 2020)
Excerpt from "Living With Joy"
by Sanaya Roman
(July 2011)
Excerpt from "Love and Intuition: A Psychic's Guide to Creating Lasting Love"
by Sherrie Dillard
(August 2010)
Excerpt from "Love and Intuition: A Psychic’s Guide to Creating Lasting Love"
by Sherrie Dillard
(July 2010)
Excerpt from "Love Cycles: The Five Essential Stages of Lasting Love"
by Linda Carroll
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "Love From the Other Side"
by Carol Shimp
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "Love From the Other Side"
by Carol Shimp
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "Love Incarnate"
by Leslie Brooks
(September 2015)
Excerpt from "Love Never Dies: From Heaven My Sister Speaks"
by Angela Dawn
(November 2018)
Excerpt from "Love or Diet"
by Ani Richardson
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "Love Your Enemies"
by Tenzin Robert Thurman and Sharon Salzberg
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "Love, God and Everything"
by Nicolya Christi
(November 2021)
Excerpt from "Loving to the End…and On, A Guide to the Impossibly Possible"
by Lynn B. Robinson, PhD
(October 2018)
Excerpt from "Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts & Food – the Ultimate Diet"
by Louise Hay
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "Madly in Love with Me"
by Christine Arylo
(January 2013)
Excerpt from "Magic Needles: Feel Younger and Live Longer with Acupuncture"
by Jun Xu, M.D., LaC and Frank Murray
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "Making Miracles—Create New Realities for Your Life and Our World"
by Lynn Woodland
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "Making Peace with Death and Dying"
by Judith Johnson
(March 2022)
Excerpt from "Making the Ordinary Extraordinary"
by Tamra Lucid
(December 2021)
Excerpt From "Making the Shift: Field Guide to the Emerging Consciousness"
by Moriah Marston
(January 2012)
Excerpt from "Making Your Creative Mark"
by Eric Maisel
(May 2013)
Excerpt from "Mala of Love: 108 Luminous Poems"
by Ravi Nathwani and Kate Vogt
(March 2016)
Excerpt from "Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love"
by Marcia Naomi Berger
(April 2014)
Excerpt from "Master and the Green-Eyed Hope”
by Johanna Kern
(January 2019)
Excerpt from "Mastering the Mommy Track"
by Erin Flynn Jay
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "Mastering Your 5D Self"
by Maureen J. St. Germain
(April 2022)
Excerpt from "Masters of Wisdom of Central Asia"
by Hasan Lutfi Shushud
(September 2014)
Excerpt from "Meals That Heal Inflammation"
by Julie Daniluk, RHN
(June 2012)
Excerpt from "Meaningful Coincidences"
by Bernard Beitman, M.D.
(September 2022)
Excerpt from "Medical to Mystical: Bring Light Into Your Life"
by Susan Jamieson, MD
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "Meditation in Sikh Religion"
by Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "Meditation in Sikh Religion"
by Bhagat Singh Thind
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "Meditation: The Complete Guide"
by Patricia Monaghan
(January 2012)
Excerpt from "Meditation—A Tool for Mindful Healing"
by C. James (Jim) Jensen
(September 2020)
Excerpt from "Meister Eckhart: A Mystic Warrior for Our Times"
by Matthew Fox
(September 2014)
Excerpt from "Memories From Heaven"
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer & Dee Garnes
(October 2015)
Excerpt from "Mentoring the Near-Death Experience Survivor"
by Carolyn Matthews, MA
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "Messages from Margaret, for the year 2012 and Beyond"
by Gerry Gavin
(July 2012)
Excerpt from "Middle Age Beauty"
by Machel Shull
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "Midnights with the Mystic: A Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss"
by Cheryl Simone and Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
(April 2011)
Excerpt from "Mind Detox"
by Sandy C. Newbigging
(January 2019)
Excerpt from "Mind If I Order the Cheeseburger? And Other Questions People Ask Vegans"
by Sherry F. Colb
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Misadventures of A Garden State Yogi"
by Brian Leaf
(September 2012)
Excerpt from "Mom Energy; A Simple Plan to Live Fully Charged "
by Ashley Koff, RD, and Kathy Kaehler
(September 2011)
Excerpt From "My Greatest Teacher"
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "My Life Contract"
by Joel Fotinos
(February 2015)
Excerpt from "Mysteries of the Tayos Caves"
by Alex Chionetti
(December 2019)
Excerpt from "Mysterious Origins of the Hybrid Man"
by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals"
by Christopher Vasey, N.D.,
(September 2018)
Excerpt from "Natural Posture for Pain-Free Living"
by Kathleen Porter
(August 2013)
Excerpt from "Natural Remedies for Inflammation"
by Christopher Vasey, ND
(January 2015)
Excerpt from "Nature Spirit Tarot"
by Jean Marie Herzel
(March 2021)
Excerpt from "New Consciousness for a New World"
by Kingsley L. Dennis, Ph.D.,
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "New Reiki Software for Divine Living"
by Brett Bevell
(June 2013)
Excerpt From "New World Mindfulness"
by Donald McCown and Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.
(January 2012)
Excerpt from "No Name, No Number: Exploring the 11:11 Phenomenon"
by Hilary h. Carter
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "No Storm Lasts Forever: Transforming Suffering Into Insight"
by Dr. Terry A. Gordon
(August 2012)
Excerpt from "No-Risk Abs: A Safe Workout Program for Core Strength"
by Blandine Calais-Germain
(July 2011)
Excerpt from "No-Risk Pilates"
by Blandine Calais-Germain and Bertrand Raison
(June 2012)
Excerpt from "Nurturing the Soul of Your Family"
by Renée Peterson Trudeau
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "Odyssey of An Airhead; Ultimate Truth, Here I Come!”
by Malgorzata Duszak
(April 2011)
Excerpt from "On Angel's Wings"
by Pamela and Barry Richard Russell
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "Once Around the Sun"
by Ellen Evert Hopman
(April 2022)
Excerpt from "One Door Closes: Overcoming Adversity By Following Your Dreams"
by Tom Ingrassia and Jared Chrudimsky
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "One Minute Mindfulness"
by Donald Altman
(October 2011)
Excerpt from "One Spirit Medicine: Ancient Ways to Ultimate Wellness"
by Alberto Villoldo, PH.D.
(March 2015)
Excerpt from "Opening the Akashic Records"
by Maureen J. St. Germain
(April 2019)
Excerpt from "Opening the Window: Sabbath Meditations"
by Leaf Seligman
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "Optimal Detox: How to Cleanse Your Body of Colloidal and Crystalline Toxins"
by Christopher Vasey, N.D.,
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "Or So It Seems"
by Paul Steven Stone
(January 2009)
Excerpt from "Osho, The First Buddha in the Dental Chair"
by Swami Devageet
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Our African Unconscious: The Black Origins of Mysticism and Psychology"
by Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D., ABPP
(September 2021)
Excerpt from "Our Spiritual DNA"
by Carmel Niland
(August 2021)
Excerpt from "Paradise in Plain Sight"
by Karen Maezen Miller
(June 2014)
Excerpt from "Path to Enlightenment – Simply Live Happily"
by Sibylle Dorge
(November 2022)
Excerpt from "Peace Be Still"
by Jeremy E. McDonald
(July 2012)
Excerpt from "Pilates Principles"
by Portia Page
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "Plagues Past & present: A Mind/Body Approach"
by J.H. Hacsi
(November 2009)
Excerpt from "Plant Spirit Medicine"
by Eliot Cowan
(May 2014)
Excerpt From "Power Crystals"
by John DeSalvo
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "Power Up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Enlightenment"
by David Perlmutter, M.D. & Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "Practical Enlightenment"
by Ariel & Shya Kane
(September 2015)
Excerpt from "Practical Wisdom"
by Svami Purna
(November 2010)
Excerpt from "Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self"
by Eric Wargo
(March 2021)
Excerpt from "Primal Body, Primal Mind"
by Nora T. Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT
(June 2011)
Excerpt from "Primal Cuisine"
by Pauli Halstead
(January 2013)
Excerpt from "Primal Nutrition"
by Ronald F. Schmid, N.D.
(October 2015)
Excerpt from "Proof of Spiritual Phenomena"
by Mona Sobhani, Ph.D.
(August 2022)
Excerpt from "Qigong Illustrated"
by Christina Barea
(January 2011)
Excerpt from "Quantum Creativity"
by Amit Goswami
(March 2014)
Excerpt from "Quick Shifts"
by Sheila Unique
(July 2011)
Excerpt from "Radical Loving: One God, One World, One People"
by Rabbi Wayne Dosick, Ph.D.
(July 2021)
Excerpt from "Rain Dance"
by Dianna Hunter
(January 2022)
Excerpt from "Rastafarian Children of Solomon"
by Gerald Hausman
(April 2013)
Excerpt from "Ravenous: A Food Lover’s Journey from Obsession to Freedom"
by Dayna Macy
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "Raw Basics: Incorporating Raw Living Foods Into Your Diet"
by Jenny Ross
(July 2011)
Excerpt From "Raw Extreme Manifesto"
by Fred Ho with Peter Lew
(January 2012)
Excerpt From "Raw Food For Real People"
by Rod Rotondi
(December 2010)
Excerpt from "Re-humanizing Medicine"
by David R. Kopacz
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "Reaching for Insights: Stories of Love, Faith, and the Kitchen Sink"
by Mitch Rosenzweig
(January 2016)
Excerpt from "Reclaiming Life After Trauma"
by Daniel Mintie, LCSW & Julie K. Staples, PhD
(June 2018)
Excerpt from "Recovery 2.0: Move Beyond Addiction and Upgrade Your Life"
by Tommy Rosen
(August 2014)
Excerpt from "Reduced to Joy"
by Mark Nepo
(December 2013)
Excerpt from "Reiki: Empowered By It, Embraced By It, Claimed By It"
by Robert Levy
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "Relaxing Into Meditation"
by Ngakma Nor'dzin
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "Remapping Your Mind"
by Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D. and Barbara Mainguy, M.A
(July 2015)
Excerpt From "Resonance: Nine Practices for Harmonious Health and Vitality"
by Whiteley Hawkes, Ph.D.
(January 2012)
Excerpt From "Rethinking Depression"
by Eric Maisel, PhD
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "Return of the Divine Sophia"
by Tricia McCannon
(April 2015)
Excerpt from "Return to the Brain of Eden"
by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn
(June 2014)
Excerpt from "Revelations of the Aquarian Age"
by Barbara Hand Clow
(February 2018)
Excerpt from "Revelations of the Ruby Crystal"
by Barbara Hand Clow
(August 2015)
Excerpt from "Rewiring the Soul: Finding the Possible Self"
by Gabriella Kortsch, PhD
(August 2011)
Excerpt from "Riding the Wave of Change - Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World"
by Eve Wilson
(October 2017)
Excerpt from "Rising from the Ashes of Loss: My Voyage Through Grief"
by Pierre Milot
(March 2016)
Excerpt from "Ritual As Remedy"
by Mara Branscombe
(May 2022)
Excerpt from "Roadsigns On the Spiritual Path: Living at the Heart of Paradox"
by Philip Goldberg
(August 2010)
Excerpt from "Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide"
by Rosemary Gladstar
(July 2012)
Excerpt from "Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon: Shamanic Rites of Curanderismo"
by Erika Buenaflor, M.A., J.D.,
(July 2020)
Excerpt from "Sacred Geometry of Nature"
by Francene Hart
(April 2017)
Excerpt from "Sacred Medicine of Bee, Butterfly, Earthworm, and Spider"
by Linda Star Wolf and Anna Cariad-Barrett, D.Min.
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "Sacred Messengers of Shamanic Africa"
by Carley Mattimore, MS, LCPC and Linda Star Wolf, Ph.D.
(July 2018)
Excerpt From "Sacred Plant Initiations"
by Carole Guyett
(May 2015)
Excerpt from "Sacred Retreat: Using Natural Cycles to Recharge Your Life"
by Pia Orleane, Ph.D.
(September 2017)
Excerpt from "Sacred Signs & Symbols: Awaken To The Messages and Synchronisities That Surround You"
by Sherrie Dillard
(July 2017)
Excerpt from "Sacred Sound"
by Alanna Kaivalya
(June 2014)
Excerpt from "Sane Asylums"
by Jerry M. Kantor
(August 2022)
Excerpt from "Saved By An Angel"
by Doreen Virtue
(June 2011)
Excerpt from "Screwed: The Path of a Healer"
by Dr. Amnon Goldstein
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "Scripting the Life You Want"
by Royce Christyn
(May 2020)
Excerpt from "Scripting the Life You Want"
by Royce Christyn
(April 2020)
Excerpt from "Searching for the Philosophers' Stone"
by Ralph Metzner, Ph.D.
(December 2018)
Excerpt from "Secret Medicines From Your Garden"
by Ellen Evert Hopman
(March 2016)
Excerpt from "Secrets of Love for Everyone"
by Johanna Kern
(February 2019)
Excerpt from "Seed Sounds for Tuning the Chakras"
by James D'Angelo, Ph.D.
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "Seeding and Nurturing the Garden of Your Soul: Walking the Middle Road"
by Elizabeth Joyce with contribution from Luisa Rasiej
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "Seeds of Freedom: Cultivating A Life That Matters"
by Heather Marie Wilson
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "Seeking the God of Ecstasy: A Spiritual Journey of Sexual Awakening"
by Melina Costello
(April 2011)
Excerpt from "Seiki Jutsu: The Practice of Non-Subtle Energy Medicine"
by Bradford and Hillary Keeney
(April 2014)
Excerpt from "Sekhmet"
by Nicki Scully
(June 2017)
Excerpt from "Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind"
by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate, Ph.D
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "Self-Healing With Breathwork"
by Jack Angelo
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "Seven Cups of Consciousness"
by Aleya Dao
(November 2015)
Excerpt From "Seven Secrets of Time Travel"
by Von Braschler
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart "
by Julie McIntyre
(June 2012)
Excerpt from "Sex Mudras"
by Serge Villecroix
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "Sex, Sin and Zen"
by Brad Warner
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "Shadow Animals: How Animals We Fear Can Help Us Heal, Transform and Awaken"
by Dawn Baumann Brunke
(October 2022)
Excerpt from "Shamanic Awakening"
by Sandra Corcoran, M.Ed., CDD
(November 2017)
Excerpt from "Shamanic Awakening"
by Sandra Corcoran, M.Ed.,
(March 2014)
Excerpt from "Shamanic Creativity"
by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
(January 2022)
Excerpt from "Shamanic Healing"
by Itzhak Beery
(June 2017)
Excerpt from "Shamanic Mystreries of Peru"
by Vera Lopez and Linda Star Wolf, Ph.D.
(December 2020)
Excerpt from "Shamanic Transformations"
by Itzhak Beery
(September 2015)
Excerpt from "Shamanic Wisdom for Pregnancy and Parenthood"
by Anna Cariad-Barrett, DMin
(February 2017)
Excerpt from "Sheela na gig: The Dark Goddess of Sacred Power"
by Starr Goode, MA
(November 2016)
Excerpt from "Shift Happens"
by Robert Holden, Ph.D
(September 2011)
Excerpt From "Shift: How to Deal When Life Changes"
by Abigail Brenner, M.D.
(August 2011)
Excerpt from "Shiva Speaks"
by Rashmi Khilnani
(August 2013)
Excerpt from "Shiva Speaks"
by Rashmi Khilnani
(May 2014)
Excerpt from "Shiva"
by Mataji Devi Vanamali
(December 2013)
Excerpt from "Sleep Magic, Surrender to Success"
by Victoria Pendragon
(June 2012)
Excerpt from "Slow Sex"
by Diana Richardson
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "So, We're Still Here. Now What?"
by Gwilda Wiyaka
(April 2013)
Excerpt from "Solace"
by Walter St. John
(March 2012)
Excerpt from "Solar Revolution: Why Mankind Is on the Cusp of an Evolutionary Leap"
by Dieter Broers
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life"
by Dr. Eric Pearl & Frederick Ponzlov
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "Songs of Eternity"
by Reverend Dr. Linda De Coff
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Soul Breathing: Spiritual Light and the Art of Self-Mastery"
by Carrie L’Esperance
(June 2016)
Excerpt From "Soul Centered"
by Sarah McLean
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Soul Dog"
by Elena Mannes
(November 2018)
Excerpt from "Soul Healing With Our Animal Companions"
by Tammy Billups
(April 2018)
Excerpt From "Soul Of Synchronicity"
by Cindy K Dhillon
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Soul Survivor"
by Bruce & Andrea Leininger & Ken Gross
(August 2009)
Excerpt from "Soul Whispering: The Art of Awakening Shamanic Consciousness"
by Linda Star Wolf, Ph.D. and Nita Gage, DSPS, MA
(May 2017)
Excerpt from "Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation"
by Jeff BrowN
(March 2010)
Excerpt from "Speaking with Nature"
by Sandra Ingerman, M.A. and Llyn Roberts, M.A.
(June 2015)
Excerpt From "Speaking With Nature"
by Sandra Ingerman, MA & Llyn Roberts, MA
(May 2015)
Excerpt from "Spirit Marriage: Intimate Relationships with Other Worldly Beings"
by Megan Rose, Ph.D.,
(March 2022)
Excerpt from "Spirit of the Wolf"
by Linda Star Wolf
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "Spirit Weaver: Wisdom Teachings from the Feminine Path of Magic"
by Seren Bertrand
(May 2022)
Excerpt from "Spiritual Adrenaline: A Lifestyle Plan to Nourish and Strengthen Your Recovery"
by Tom Shanahan
(January 2019)
Excerpt from "Spiritual Medicine: 7 Spiritual Potions to Heal Your Life"
by Cissi Williams, ND
(February 2013)
Excerpt from "Spiritual Traditions of India Coloring Book"
by Harish Johari
(January 2017)
Excerpt from "Standing Naked in Rose Petals"
by Eleanora Amendolara
(August 2012)
Excerpt from "Starmap Cookbook: Jyotish by the Ascendant (moon): Introduction to Vedic Astrology
by Cassondra "Cocoa" Bowden
(August 2019)
Excerpt from "Step Out of Your Story: Writing Exercises to Reframe and Transform Your Life"
by Kim Schneiderman, LCSW, MSW
(August 2015)
Excerpt from "Stillness in Mind"
by Simon Cole
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "Stone Medicine: A Chinese Medical Guide to Healing with Gems and Minerals"
by Leslie J. Franks, LMT
(March 2016)
Excerpt from "Stones of the Goddess"
by Nicholas Pearson
(March 2019)
Excerpt from "Stones of the Seven Rays"
by Michel Coquet
(July 2012)
Excerpt from "Stop Being Lonely"
by Kira Asatryan
(March 2016)
Excerpt from "Stop Drifting, Start Rowing"
by Roz Savage
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "Sublime Relaxation"
by Jessica Berger, RN, RYT
(July 2010)
Excerpt from "Synchronicity and the Other Side"
by Trish MacGregor and Rob MacGregor
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "Tai Chi Illustrated"
by Weimo Zhu, PhD
(January 2013)
Excerpt from "Take A Shot"
by Jake Steinfeld
(August 2012)
Excerpt from "Tantric Kali"
by Daniel Odier
(November 2016)
Excerpt from "Tantric Sex & Menopause"
by Diana Richardson & Janet McGeever
(April 2018)
Excerpt From "Tapping into Ultimate Success"
by Jack Canfield and Pamela Bruner
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Teachings of the Peyote Shamans"
by James Endredy
(December 2015)
Excerpt from "Tell Me When It Hurts"
by Christine M. Whitehead
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "Tha Alpha Wolf"
by Nick Clements
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "That Other God"
by David Richard Beasley
(May 2022)
Excerpt from "The 11 Karmic Spaces, Choosing Freedom from the Patterns that Bind You"
by Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "The 8 Laws of Change"
by Stephan A. Schwartz
(October 2015)
Excerpt from "The Accidental Shaman"
by Howard G. Charing
(March 2017)
Excerpt from "The Afterlife of Billy Fingers"
by Dr. Annie Kagan
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "The Afterlife Unveiled"
by Stafford Betty, PhD
(October 2011)
Excerpt from "The Appleseed Journal"
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2015)
Excerpt from "The Aromatherapy Garden"
by Kathi Keville
(May 2016)
Excerpt from "The Art of Healing"
by Dr. Bernie Siegel
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "The Art of Living Joyfully"
by Allen Klein
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "The Available Parent: Radical Optimism for Raising Teens and Tweens"
by Dr. John Duffy
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "The Ayurvedic Reset Diet"
by Vatsala Sperling, Ph.D., PDHom, CCH, RSHom
(January 2021)
Excerpt from "The Baby Boomer Diet: Body Ecology’s Guide to Growing Younger"
by Donna Gates with Lyndi Schrecengost
(November 2011)
Excerpt From "The Beckoning Light"
by Rev. Ellen Douglas
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "The Best Meditations on the Planet"
by Dr Martin Hart and Skye Alexander
(July 2011)
Excerpt from "The Bhagavad Gita"
by Jack Hawley, PhD
(April 2011)
Excerpt from "The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary"
by Edie Weinstein
(October 2011)
Excerpt from "The Book of Afformations"
by Noah St. John
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "The Book of Ho’Oponopono"
by Jean Graciet, Luc Bodin, M.D., and Nathalie Bodin Lamboy
(April 2016)
Excerpt from "The Book of Mastery"
by Paul Selig
(January 2016)
Excerpt from "The Book of Oriental Medicine: A Complete Self-Treatment Guide"
by Clive Witham
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "The Boy Who Died and Came Back "
by Robert Moss
(April 2014)
Excerpt from "The Call of Sedona"
by Ilchi Lee
(January 2012)
Excerpt from "The Caregiver's Tao Te Ching"
by William and Nancy Martin
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "The Chiron Effect: Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology [and more]"
by Lisa Tahir, LCSW
(November 2020)
Excerpt From "The Chotchky Challenge"
by Barry Dennis
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "The Coming Spiritual Age"
by Kurt Johnson and David Robert Ord
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "The Cosmic Hologram"
by Jude Currican, PhD
(March 2017)
Excerpt from "The Cosmic Internet"
by Frank DeMarco
(July 2011)
Excerpt from "The Council of Light"
by Danielle Rama Hoffman
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "The Courage to be Free"
by Guy Finley
(March 2013)
Excerpt From "The Creation of a Consciousness Shift"
by Paul Lenda
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "The Current Is Only But A Moment"
by Pamela Aloia
(November 2021)
Excerpt from "The Dharma Method: 7 Daily Steps to Spiritual Advancement
by Simon Chokoisky
(October 2018)
Excerpt from "The Dharma of Direct Experience"
by Paul Weiss
(November 2022)
Excerpt from "The Divine Feminine Tao Te Ching"
by Rosemarie Anderson, Ph.D.
(April 2021)
Excerpt from "The Divine Feminine Tao Te Ching"
by Rosemarie Anderson, Ph.D.
(May 2021)
Excerpt from "The Doors of Ayahuasca: Three Experiences that Can Transform Pain"
by Gerardo Prat
(December 2024)
Excerpt from "The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life"
by Dr. Judith Orloff
(March 2014)
Excerpt from "The End of Guilt"
by Edwin Navarro
(May 2013)
Excerpt from "The Energies of Crop Circles"
by Lucy Pringle with James Lyons
(June 2019)
Excerpt From "The Essential Guide to Healthy Healing Foods"
by Victoria Shanta Retelny, R.D., L.D.N. and Jovanka JoAnn Milivojevic
(August 2011)
Excerpt from "The Evolutionary Empath"
by Rev. Stephanie Red Feather, Ph.D.
(November 2019)
Excerpt from "The Five Dharma Types"
by Simon Chokoisky
(May 2014)
Excerpt from "The Five Gifts: Discovering Hope, Healing, and Strength When Disaster Strikes"
by Laurie Nadel, PhD.
(August 2018)
Excerpt from "The Forever Angels: Near Death Experiences in Childhood & Their Lifelong Impact"
by P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.
(September 2019)
Excerpt from "The Full Extent"
by Richard Botelho
(May 2022)
Excerpt from "The Gathering of the Forces of Light: UFOs and their Spiritual Mission"
by Benjamin Creme
(November 2010)
Excerpt from "The Genius of Empathy"
by Judith Orloff, MD
(April 2024)
Excerpt from "The Gift of Adversity"
by Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D.
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "The Gift of an Angel"
by Wendy Jane Erlick
(June 2016)
Excerpt from "The Gift of Shamanism"
by Itzhak Beery
(March 2015)
Excerpt from "The Golden Motorcycle Gang"
by Jack Canfield and William Gladstone
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "The Gratitude Power Workbook"
by Mary Beth Sammons & Nina Lesowitz
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "The Great Oom: The Mysterious Origins of America’s First Yogi"
by Robert Love
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "The Great Work of the Flesh"
by Sarane Alexandrian
(February 2015)
Excerpt from "The Greatest Secret of All"
by Marc Allen
(February 2008)
Excerpt from "The Happiness Perspective: Seeing Your Life Differently"
by Diane Wing, M.A.
(December 2016)
Excerpt from "The Healing Curve: A Catalyst to Consciousness"
by Sara Chetkin
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "The Healing Power of Pleasure"
by Julia Paulette Hollenbery
(September 2021)
Excerpt from "The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman"
by Dr. Christine Page
(May 2013)
Excerpt from "The Healing Wisdom of Mary Magdalene"
by Jack Angelo
(April 2015)
Excerpt from "The Heart of Money"
by Deborah L. Price
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "The Heart-Mind Matrix"
by Joseph Chilton Pearce
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "The Hidden Cause of Acne"
by Melissa Gallico
(May 2018)
Excerpt from "The Holy Conspiracy"
by Kristi Saare Duarte
(September 2020)
Excerpt from "The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth"
by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
(June 2013)
Excerpt From "The Hunter / Farmer Diet Solution"
by Mark Liponis, M.D.
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "The Immortal Mind"
by Ervin Laszlo with Anthony Peake
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "The Inner Work of Age"
by Connie Zweig, Ph.D.
(September 2021)
Excerpt from "The Instant Millionaire"
by Mark Fisher
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "The Intelligence of the Cosmos"
by Ervin Laszlo
(October 2017)
Excerpt from "The Joyous Cosmology"
by Alan Watts
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "The Joys and Challenges of Life Without Children"
by Lisette Schuitemaker
(February 2019)
Excerpt from "The Kabbalah of Light"
by Catherine Shainberg, PhD
(June 2022)
Excerpt from "The Keys to the Universe"
by Diana Cooper
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying To Tell You"
by Karla McLaren
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "The Last Ecstasy of Life"
by Phyllida Anam-Áire
(July 2021)
Excerpt from "The Law of Attraction: The Soul's Answer To Why It Isn't Working, And How It Can"
by Andrea Matthews
(October 2011)
Excerpt from "The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money, and Miracles"
by Marianne Williamson
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "The Life Organizer: A Woman’s Guide to a Mindful Year"
by Jennifer Louden
(April 2014)
Excerpt from "The Lightworkers Circle Guide"
by Wendy Stokes
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "The Lotus and the Bud: Cannabis, Consciousness and Yoga Practice"
by Christopher S. KIlham
(January 2021)
Excerpt from "The Luminous Landscape of the Afterlife"
by Matthew McKay, Ph.D
(June 2021)
Excerpt from "The Magian Tarok: The Origins of the Tarot in the Mithraic and Hermetic Traditions"
by Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D.,
(October 2019)
Excerpt from "The Magical Path"
by Marc Allen
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life"
by Colette Baron-Reid
(January 2011)
Excerpt from "The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life"
by Colette Baron-Reid
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "The Meaning"
by Steve Taylor
(August 2012)
Excerpt From "The Mindful Manifesto"
by Dr. Jonty Heaversedge and Ed Halliwell
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "The Mindfulness Code"
by Donald Altman
(August 2010)
Excerpt from "The Miracle Club: How Thoughts Become Reality"
by Mitch Horowitz
(October 2018)
Excerpt from "The Miracle of Regenerative Medicine"
by Elisa Lottor, Ph.D., H.M.D.
(December 2017)
Excerpt From "The Miracle Workers Handbook: 7 Levels of Power and Manifestation of the Virgin Mary"
by Sherrie Dillard
(March 2012)
Excerpt From "The Misleading Mind"
by Karuna Cayton,
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "The Missing Element"
by Debra Silverman
(May 2016)
Excerpt from "The Mother of Invention; The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of YOU"
by Neale Donald Walsh
(January 2011)
Excerpt from "The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception"
by Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D.
(April 2021)
Excerpt from "The Mystic Cookbook"
by Denise and Meadow Linn
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "The Narrow Gate: A Journey Through Identity, Belief and Perception"
by Joe Danna
(July 2010)
Excerpt from "The Nature of Astrology"
(December 2022)
Excerpt from "The Necktie and the Jaguar"
by Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD
(June 2021)
Excerpt from "The Nepalese Shamanic Path "
by Evelyn C. Rysdyk with Bhola Nath Banstola
(January 2019)
Excerpt from "The New Science of Psychodelics"
by David Jay Brown
(May 2013)
Excerpt from "The NEW Spiritual Chakras"
by Elizabeth Joyce
(November 2015)
Excerpt from "The Norse Shaman"
by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
(August 2016)
Excerpt from "The Oil Pulling Miracle"
by Birgit Frohn
(January 2016)
Excerpt from "The Only Thing That Matters"
by Neale Donald Walsch
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "The Open Path"
by Elias Amidon
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "The Paradigm Shift Trilogy, Volume 1: The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization"
by Carl Johan Calleman
(April 2014)
Excerpt from "The Path to the Guru"
by Scott Teitsworth
(July 2014)
Excerpt from "The PlantPlus Diet Solution"
by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
(September 2014)
Excerpt from "The Pleiadian House of Initiation"
by Mary T. Beben
(September 2014)
Excerpt from "The Power of Ecstatic Trance"
by Nicholas E. Brink, Ph.D.
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "The Power of Prana: Breathe Your Way to Health and Vitality"
by Master Stephen Co
(November 2011)
Excerpt From "The Power of Self-Healing: Unlock Your Natural Healing Potential in 21 Days"
by Dr. Fabrizio Mancini
(January 2012)
Excerpt from "The Power of Storytelling"
by Ty Bennett
(August 2013)
Excerpt from "The Power of the Healing Field "
by Peter Mark Adams
(January 2022)
Excerpt from "The Power of Voice: Know Your Voice, Know Yourself"
by Lisbeth Hultmann
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "The Power of Your Spirit"
by Sonia Choquette
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "The Practical Psychic"
by Noreen Renier
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "The Practice of Nada Yoga"
by Baird Hersey
(January 2014)
Excerpt from "The Prayer Chest"
by August Gold and Joel Fotinos
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "The Primacy of Stewardship: The Handbook for Christians Who Believe in Democracy"
by , John Manimas Medeiros
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "The Protein Myth"
by David Gerow Irving
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "The Psychedelic Future of the Mind"
by Thomas B. Roberts, Ph.D.
(March 2013)
Excerpt from "The Purpose of Religion"
by Dr. Andrew Cort, DC, JD
(August 2011)
Excerpt From "The Real Rules of Life: Balancing Life’s Terms with Your Own"
by Ken Druck
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "The Real You"
by Sam Argenio
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "The Rebel Angels Among Us"
by Timothy Wyllie
(August 2020)
Excerpt from "The Reluctant Disciple"
by Bodan
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "The Return of Intuition"
by Kathryn Harwig
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "The Return of Planet Sedna"
by Jennifer T. Gehl, MHS
(May 2019)
Excerpt from "The Sacred Herbs of Samhain"
by Ellen Evert Hopman
(August 2019)
Excerpt from "The Sacred Jewels of Yoga"
by Dave DeLuca
(September 2011)
Excerpt From "The Science of Meditation"
by Sneh Chakraburtty
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "The Science of Planetary Signatures in Medicine"
by Jennifer T. Gehl, MHS, with Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.
(February 2017)
Excerpt from "The Secret History of Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Mysterious Roots of Modern Music"
by Christopher Knowles
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "The Secret Influence of the Moon"
by Louis Proud
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "The Secret Life of Lady Liberty: Goddess in the New World"
by Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D. and Laura E. Cortner
(September 2016)
Excerpt from "The Secret of Instant Healing"
by Dr. Frank Kinslow
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "The Seven Archetypal Stones"
by Nicholas Pearson
(January 2017)
Excerpt from "The Seven Archetypal Stones: Their Spiritual Powers and Teachings"
by Nicholas Pearson
(December 2016)
Excerpt from "The Seven Paths"
by The Anasazi Foundation
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "The Seven Steps to Inner Power"
by Tae Yun Kim
(May 2018)
Excerpt from "The Sexy Vegan's Happy Hour at Home"
by Brian Patton
(July 2013)
Excerpt from "The Shaman’s Mind – Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life"
by Jonathan Hammond
(May 2020)
Excerpt from "The Shamanic Path to Quantum Consciousness"
by Laurent Huguelit
(February 2014)
Excerpt from "The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder"
by Sidian Morning Star Jones & Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
(December 2016)
Excerpt from "The Silence of the Mind"
by Ilie Cioara
(November 2011)
Excerpt from "The Soul of Wellness"
by Rajiv Parti, M.D.
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "The Soul Solution"
by Jonathan Parker
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "The Source: A Journey to the Heart of Your Own Personal Power"
by Ursula James
(September 2011)
Excerpt From "The Spiritual Gift of Madness"
by Seth Farber, Ph.D.
(April 2012)
Excerpt from "The Spiritual Meaning of the Sixties"
by Tobias Churton
(November 2018)
Excerpt from "The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older"
by Robert L. Weber, Ph.D., and Carol Orsborn, Ph.D
(November 2015)
Excerpt from "The Spontaneous Healing of Belief"
by Gregg Braden
(February 2008)
Excerpt from "The Story of Gaia"
by Jude Currivan, Ph.D.
(October 2022)
Excerpt from "The Tablets of Light"
by Danielle Rama Hoffman
(May 2017)
Excerpt from "The Tao of Forgiveness"
by William Martin
(July 2010)
Excerpt from "The Tao of Motherhood"
by Vimala McClure
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "The Tao of Tarot"
by By Christina Bjergo, LAc
(August 2010)
Excerpt from "The Tao of Walt Whitman"
by Connie Shaw & Ike Allen
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "The Teacher Appears"
by Brian Leaf
(March 2017)
Excerpt from "The Ten Things To Do When Your Life Falls Apart"
by Daphne Rose Kingma
(July 2010)
Excerpt from "The Thompson Method of Bodywork"
by Cathy Thompson and Tara Thompson Lewis
(January 2018)
Excerpt from "The Toltec Path of Transformation: Embracing the Four Elements of Change"
by HeatherAsh Amara
(October 2012)
Excerpt from "The Top Ten Things Dead People Want To Tell You"
by Mike Dooley
(October 2014)
Excerpt From "The Transcendent Mind"
by Sunita Pattani
(May 2015)
Excerpt from "The Transformational Power of Dreaming: Discovering the Wishes of the Soul"
by Stephen Larsen, Ph.D. and Tom Verner
(August 2017)
Excerpt from "The Transformational Power of Fasting"
by Stephen Harrod Buhner
(March 2012)
Excerpt from "The Transformational Truth of Tarot"
by Tiffany Crosara
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "The Traveler"
by Robert D. Andrews
(May 2014)
Excerpt from "The Turning Point"
by Gregg Braden
(January 2014)
Excerpt from "The Twilight of Pluto"
by John Michael Greer
(March 2022)
Excerpt from "The Voice of Rolling Thunder"
by Sidian Morning Star Jones and Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "The Water Dance: Finding Joy Again and Again Amid Life's Hardest Lessons"
by Laurie-Ann Weis
(January 2009)
Excerpt from "The Way of Abundance and Joy"
by Shirley Blancke
(February 2022)
Excerpt from "The Way of the Happy Woman"
by Sara Avant Stover
(June 2011)
Excerpt from "The Wheel of Healing with Ayurveda"
by Michelle S. Fondin
(June 2015)
Excerpt from "The Whole-Brain Path to Peace"
by James Olson
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "The Wild Medicine Solution"
by Guido Masé
(April 2013)
Excerpt from "The Wisdom Keys: A Channeler’s Quest Reveals Four Steps to Your Highest Self"
by Judi Thomases
(September 2014)
Excerpt from "The Wisdom of the Heart"
by Stewart Pearce
(March 2011)
Excerpt from "The Wisdom of Wildness: Healing the Trauma of Domestication"
by Ren Hurst
(December 2022)
Excerpt From "The Wondrous Journey"
by Ilie Cioara
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "The Yoga of Relationships"
by Yogi Amrit Desai
(November 2010)
Excerpt from "The Yoni Egg"
by Lilou Macé
(September 2019)
Excerpt from "The Zero Point Agreement"
by Julie Tallard Johnson
(December 2013)
Excerpt from "There's Something Under the Bed"
by Ursula Bielski
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "This is How I Save My Life: Embryonic Stem Cells, Indian Adventures, Self Healing"
by Amy B. Scher
(February 2013)
Excerpt from "Thriving As An Empath: 365 Days of Self-Care for Sensitive People"
by Judith Orloff, MD
(September 2019)
Excerpt from "Through the Eyes of Another"
by Karen Noe
(August 2012)
Excerpt from "Thugs, Drugs and the War on Bugs"
by Dr. Brad Case
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "Timothy Leary: The Harvard Years"
by James Penner
(August 2014)
Excerpt from "Total Life Cleanse: A 28-Day Program to Detoxify and Nourish the Body, Mind, and Soul"
by Jonathan Glass, M.Ac., C.A.T.
(January 2018)
Excerpt from "Trance Journeys of the Hunter-Gatherers"
by Nicholas E. Brink, Ph.D.
(May 2016)
Excerpt from "Transcendence: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation"
by Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D.,
(July 2011)
Excerpt From "Transformation through Intimacy: The Journey Toward Awakened Monogamy"
by Robert Augustus Masters, PhD
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Transformation: The Four Keys to Thriving in Times of Change"
by Armand M. Diaz, M.A.
(August 2011)
Excerpt from "Transforming Through 2012: Leading Perspectives on the New Global Paradigm"
by Bob Frissell
(October 2010)
Excerpt from "Transitions: How Women Embrace Change and Celebrate Life"
by Abigail Brenner, MD
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "Transitions: How Women Embrace Change and Celebrate Life"
by Abigail Brenner, MD
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "Treat Concussion, TBI, and PTSD with Vitamins and Antioxidants"
by Kedar N. Prasad, Ph.D.
(January 2016)
Excerpt from "True North - The Shocking Truth About 'Yours, Mine and Ours'"
by Tom North
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "Tuning the Human Biofield"
by Eileen Day McKusick
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "Twelve By Twelve"
by Bill Powers
(July 2010)
Excerpt from "Two Birds in a Tree"
by Ram Nidumolu
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "Two Sisters' Cafe"
by Elena Yates Eulo and Samantha Harper Macy
(November 2010)
Excerpt from "Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within"
by Cate Montana
(February 2014)
Excerpt from "Unlimited Realities"
by Elizabeth Joyce
(November 2017)
Excerpt From "Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind"
by Dr. Henry Grayson
(May 2012)
Excerpt from "Vibrational Sound Healing"
by Erica Longdon
(December 2020)
Excerpt from "Waiting For Jack: Confessions of a Self Help Junkie"
by Kristen Moeller
(April 2010)
Excerpt From "Waking From Sleep"
by Steve Taylor
(December 2010)
Excerpt from "Waking Up in 5D"
by Maureen St. Germain
(July 2015)
Excerpt from "We Thought You Would Never Ask"
by B.E. Schlubach
(July 2021)
Excerpt from "Weight Resistance Yoga"
by Max Popov
(October 2011)
Excerpt from "Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus that Plagues Our World"
by Paul Levy
(December 2021)
Excerpt from "What Are You Waiting For?"
by Kristen Moeller
(December 2013)
Excerpt from "What Happens When We Die?"
by Echo Bodine
(November 2013)
Excerpt from "What If We're Him"
by Gene Pascucci
(September 2010)
Excerpt from "What To Do When You Are Dead: A Former Atheist Interviews the Source of Infinite Being
by Sondra Sneed
(May 2013)
Excerpt from "What Wags the World: Tales of Conscious Awakening"
by Miriam Knight and Julie Clayton
(October 2014)
Excerpt from "What Wags the World: Tales of Conscious Awakening"
by Miriam Knight & Julie Clayton
(January 2015)
Excerpt from "When Did You Die?"
by Temple Hayes
(January 2015)
Excerpt from "When God Had a Wife"
by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince
(December 2019)
Excerpt from "When I Was Someone Else"
by Stéphane Allix
(February 2021)
Excerpt From "When In Doubt, Make Belief"
by Jeff Bell
(December 2009)
Excerpt from "When It's Time To Say Goodbye"
by Angela Garner
(February 2021)
Excerpt from "Who Am I? Why Am I Here?"
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
(November 2010)
Excerpt from "Whole Body Vibration: The Future of Good Health"
by Becky Chambers
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "Wholiness"
by Carmen Harra, PhD
(May 2011)
Excerpt from "Why The World Doesn't Seem To Make Sense"
by Steve Hagen
(December 2012)
Excerpt from "Why? What Your Life Is Telling You about Who You Are and Why You’re Here"
by Matthew McKay, Seán ÓLaoire, and Ralph Metzner
(October 2013)
Excerpt from "Wild Mind"
by Bill Plotkin
(May 2013)
Excerpt from "Witch Wisdom for Magical Aging"
by Cait Johnson
(July 2022)
Excerpt from "Without Reservation"
by Randy Kritkausky
(September 2020)
Excerpt from "Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life"
by Azra Bertrand, M.D.,
(August 2017)
Excerpt from "Working With Chakras For Belief Change"
by Nikki Gresham-Record
(July 2019)
Excerpt from "Yin Yang Balance for Menopause"
by Gary Wagman, Ph.D., L.Ac.
(June 2019)
Excerpt from "Yoga For Cancer"
by Tari Prinster
(December 2014)
Excerpt from "Yoga Nidra Meditation"
by Pierre Bonnasse
(November 2017)
Excerpt from "Yoga Wisdom at Work Finding Sanity Off the Mat and On the Job"
by Maren Showkeir and Jamie Showkeir
(September 2013)
Excerpt from "You Are A Medium"
by Sherrie Dillard
(January 2014)
Excerpt from "You Are The Placebo"
by Joe Dispenza
(February 2014)
Excerpt from "You Are the Placebo"
by Joe Dispenza, D.C.,
(April 2014)
Excerpt from "You Can Create an Exceptional Life"
by Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson
(September 2011)
Excerpt from "You Can Heal Your Heart"
by Louise L. Hay and David Kessler
(January 2014)
Excerpt from "Your Emotional Type: Key to the Therapies That Will Work for You"
by Michael A. Jawer and Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.
(December 2011)
Excerpt from "Your Essential Self"
by Richard Harvey
(June 2013)
Excerpt from "Your Hidden Riches"
by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood
(November 2014)
Excerpt from "Your Psychic Child"
by Sara Wiseman
(February 2011)
Excerpt from "Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint for Purpose & Prosperity"
by Prema Lee Gurreri
(October 2018)
Excerpt from "Your Soul Purpose"
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(July 2020)
Excerpt from "Your Spacious Self- Clear the Clutter and Discover Who You Are"
by Stephanie Bennett Vogt
(November 2012)
Excerpt from "Your Symphony of Selves: Discover and Understand More of Who We Are"
by James Fadiman, Ph.D. & Jordan Gruber, J.D.
(August 2020)
Excerpt from "Your Yin Yang Body Type"
by Gary Wagman, PhD
(January 2015)
Excerpt from "Zecharia Sitchin and the Extraterrestrial Origins of Humanity"
by M. J. Evans, Ph.D.
(June 2016)
Excerpt from “Being You, Changing the World”
by Dr. Dain Heer
(September 2013)
Excerpt from “Dancing Dragon Magic, Dialogues in Clay”
by Susan Smith James
(July 2018)
Excerpt from “Healing Wise - A Wise Woman’s Herbal”
by Susun Weed
(August 2012)
Excerpt from “Hey Waiter…There’s God in My Soup!”
by By Sam (Simcha) Krause with Terry Krause
(February 2011)
Excerpt from “Master Teachings of HOPE, Volume 1"
by Johanna Kern
(September 2019)
Excerpt from “Mystic Pete Chronicles – Book 1: Sex & Mysticism”
by Mystic Pete
(June 2013)
Excerpt From “Quest for the Kingdom”
by John M. Newman, PhD
(May 2011)
Excerpt from “Shaman Stone Soup”
by Shaman Elizabeth Herrera
(February 2011)
Excerpt from “The Gift Within Us: Intuition, Spirituality and the Power of Our Own Inner Voice”
by Mary Ann Bohrer
(August 2020)
Excerpt from “The Holy Trinity of the Soul”
by Paul Blann
(July 2011)
Excerpt from “The Tides of Eternity”
by M. J. Rusaw
(April 2011)
Excerpt from Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality
by Allison Maslan
(May 2010)
Excerpt from Discover Your Soul's Path Through The Akashic Records
by Linda Howe
(March 2015)
Excerpt from Giving You the WOW and the HOW: 44 Tips from the Millionaire Manicurist
by Sharmen Lane
(April 2010)
Excerpt from Life Is What You Make It
by Peter Buffett
(May 2010)
Excerpt from Pictures of the Mind
by Miriam Boleyn-Fitzgerald
(May 2010)
Excerpt from Relax - You May Only Have A Few Minutes Left
by Loretta LaRoche
(February 2008)
Excerpt from" Whole Body Prayer: The Life-Changing Power of Self Healing"
by Yan Ming Li
(September 2022)
Excerpt From"The Riddle of the Sphinx"
by Douglas A. Elwell
(May 2012)
Excerpt from: "A Return to Healing: Radical Health Care Reform"
by Len Saputo, MD with Byron Belitsos
(August 2009)
Excerpt From: "Enough is Plenty"
by Anne Ryan
(August 2009)
Excerpt From: "Yatuvay - The Manual"
by Adolphina Shephard
(August 2009)
Excerpt From: The Happy Medium: Awakening to Your Natural Intuition
by Jodi Livon
(August 2009)
Excerpt from: The Path to Our Essence: Practical Spirituality for our Time
by Selim Aissel
(December 2011)
Excerpt fropm "The Real Rules of Life"
by Ken Druck, Ph.D.
(July 2012)
Excerpt: The Living Buddha: An Interpretive Biography
by Daisaku Ikeda
(January 2009)
Excerpted from "Embracing Death: A New Look at Grief, Gratitude and God"
by Terri Daniel
(October 2010)
Excerpts from "The Magical Path: Conscious Dreaming Exercises for Healing & Growth"
by Wendy S. Halley
(November 2010)
Excerpts from "UFO…Contact from the Pleiades, Volumes I & II, 45th Anniversary Edition"
by Brit Elders
(April 2024)
Four Steps To Forgiveness
by Colin Tipping
(February 2010)
Fractal Time
by Gregg Braden
(February 2009)
Free From Stress
by Dr. John Demartini
(July 2009)
From Suicide to Surrender - Excerpt from "No More Secrets"
by John & Patricia Gallagher
(November 2009)
Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body's Wisdom
by Suzanne Scurlock-Durana
(April 2010)
Gail Thackray’s Spiritual Journeys: Visiting John of God
by Gail Thackray
(February 2013)
Grace, Gaia, and The End of Days
by Stuart Wilde
(March 2009)
Green Made Easy
by Chris Prelitz
(April 2009)
by David Elliott
(May 2010)
Heavens & Hells of the Mind
by Imre Vallyon
(February 2010)
Honor in Concord: Seeking Spirit in Literary Concord
by Cathryn McIntyre
(September 2009)
Hope: Lessons from a Hummingbird
by William Cuccia
(February 2010)
Hot To Stop Absorbing Other People's Negative Emotions
by Dr. Judith Orloff
(February 2009)
How Long Is Now?
by Tim Freke
(October 2009)
How The Unconscious Works - Understanding Our Etheric Bodies
by Janet Richmond
(February 2010)
Indigenous Healing Psychology
by Richard Katz, PhD
(December 2017)
Indigo Adults
by Kabir Jaffe & Ritama Davidson
(July 2009)
Introduction: How We Heal
by David Simon, MD
(July 2009)
Intuitive Children
by Kylie Holmes
(January 2009)
Is there something that humans just don't understand about life?
by Neale Donald Walsch
(May 2017)
Jesus in the Lotus
by Russill Paul
(June 2009)
Just an ounce of PREVENTION is worth a pound of CURE
by Dr. James D'Adamo with Allan Richards
(April 2010)
Kickin' It With Kale, Based On "The Sexy Vegan Cookbook"
by Brian Patton
(April 2012)
Learning To Attract Joyous Co-Creators
by Esther & Jerry Hicks
(September 2009)
LESS at Work: Antidotes to Busyness
by Marc Lesser
(June 2009)
Living With Spirit: Journey of a Flower Child
by Peggy Kornegger
(April 2010)
Love Incarnate "I Have Come To Tell A Story Of Love"
by Leslie Brooks & Yeshu, Known as Jesus
(January 2009)
by Mark Husson
(May 2009)
Mastering Creative Anxiety
by Eric Maisel, Ph.D.
(April 2011)
Memory in Our Bones
by H. Elizabeth Burke
(February 2010)
Michael, The Divine Protector
by Doreen Virtue
(January 2009)
Mind Programming
by Eldon Taylor
(April 2009)
Mother Teresa On Silence
by Mother Teresa
(April 2010)
Paving It Forward
by Elisabeth Fayt
(November 2009)
Perspectives: The Timeless Way of Wisdom
by Paul Brunton
(September 2009)
Prescriptions for the Soul
by Dr. Bernie Siegel
(April 2009)
Raw Foods in a Nutshell (Raw, Unroasted)
by Rod Rotondi
(November 2009)
Recipes For Health Bliss
by Susan Smith Jones, PhD
(June 2009)
Rediscovering Who We Really Are — with the Persian Sufi Poets
by David Fideler
(April 2010)
Reflecting on Enough
by Anne B. Ryan
(September 2009)
Repetition: Past Lives, Life, and Rebirth
by Doris Eliana Cohen, PhD
(February 2009)
Restoring the Soul of the World
by David Fideler
(December 2014)
Return to the Sacred: Ancient Pathways to Spiritual Awakening
by Jonathan H. Ellerby, PhD
(February 2009)
Shamanic Dreamtime: Discovering Other Worlds
by Connie Caldes
(September 2009)
Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life
by Lauren Mackler
(April 2009)
Soul Basics
by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha
(February 2009)
Soul Basics
by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha
(May 2009)
Soul Currency: Invest Your Inner Wealth
by Ernest D. Chu
(December 2009)
Spirit Pleasures
by Douglas Weiss, Ph.D
(April 2007)
Spiritual Standing
by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha
(August 2009)
Spontaneous Evolution
by Bruce Lipton & Steve Bhaerman
(September 2009)
Stop the Clock! How To Slow Down Time & Live In The Present
by Steve Taylor
(August 2010)
Supercharged Taoist: An Amazing True Story to Inspire You on Your Own Adventure
by The Barefoot Doctor
(January 2010)
Supporting Children's Intuition Is Important To Their Success As Adults
by Catherine Crawford
(March 2009)
Talking to the Dead - An Excerpt From "The Last Frontier"
by Julia Assante
(December 2012)
Tao Is the Source of All Universes
by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha
(June 2010)
The 5 Essential Messages: A Key to Extraordinary Love
by Paul and Patricia Richards
(November 2009)
The 7 Rules for Intuitive Health
by Mona Lisa Schulz, MD, PhD
(June 2009)
The Art of Meditation
by Imre Vallyon
(February 2010)
The Body Broken: A Memoir
by Lynne Greenberg
(April 2009)
The Caretaker
by Robert Mullen
(December 2010)
The Fifth Agreement
by don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz with Janet Mills
(April 2010)
The Journey to Greatness
by Noah benShea
(June 2009)
The Keys: Open the Door to Empowerment and Infinite Possibilities
by Denise Marek & Sharon Quirt
(July 2009)
The Lives Our Mothers Leave Us
by Patti Davis
(April 2009)
The Logic of Brainstorms
by Eric Maisel, Ph..D.
(June 2010)
The Magician's Way - What It Really Takes To Find Your Treasure
by William Whitecloud
(October 2009)
The Mysticism of Space
by John Davidson
(January 2010)
The Priest and the Medium
by Suzanne Giesemann
(June 2009)
The Proof
by James F. Twyman
(September 2009)
The Second Rule of Ten
by Gay Hendricks & Tinker Lindsay
(January 2013)
The Secret Pleasures of Menopause Playbook
by Christiane Northrup, MD
(March 2009)
The Short Game of Finding Your Other Half
by Declan Kerr
(July 2010)
The Sleep of Separateness: the Effects of Ego-Separateness and its Causes
by Steve Taylor
(January 2011)
The Small Pox
by J. H. Hacsi
(April 2010)
The Source of Miracles: 7 Steps to Transforming Your Life through the Lord's Prayer
by Kathleen McGowan
(January 2010)
The Suppressed History of American Banking
by Xaviant Haze
(October 2016)
The Timely Change Objectives
by Irven Lazslo
(January 2010)
The Uncommon Path
by Mick Quinn
(April 2009)
The Vitamin D Revolution
by Soram Khalsa, M.D.
(February 2009)
Three Essentials of Success
by Marc Allen
(May 2009)
Tuberculosis: The White Death - Excerpt from Plagues Past & Present
by J.H. Hacsi
(December 2009)
Turtle Wisdom: Coming Home To Yourself
by Donna DeNomme
(February 2009)
Understanding the Dalai Lama
by Rajiv Mehrota
(June 2009)
Valentine's Day & The Six Archetypes of Love
by Dr. Allan Hunter
(February 2009)
What Is Soul Song?
by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha
(August 2009)
What is Your Self Worth? A Woman's Guide to Validation
by Cheryl Saban, PhD
(May 2009)
White Spirit Animals
by J. Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus, D.H.L.
(October 2017)
Why Me? Why Now? Why Not? Finding Opportunity In Your Obstacles
by Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed.
(November 2013)
Would You Like To Be More Focused, Confident And Relaxed, Even In The Midst of Chaos?
by Pragito Dove
(April 2010)
Writing in the Sand: Jesus & the Soul of the Gospel
by Thomas Moore
(May 2009)
Yellow Fever - The Color Disease
by J. H. Hacsi
(March 2010)
Your Soul's Plan
by Robert Schwartz
(April 2009)
Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate
by Brad Warner
(April 2009)
Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate
by Brad Warner
(May 2009)
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